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The Ontario Round-up

This past week has been a very busy week for Red Cross in Ontario, so much so, that we decided to do a special local edition of the Red Cross Round-Up. SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO- a severe snow storm this week closed Highway 402 between Sarnia and London, ...

The Red Cross Round-up

 *Written by Katie Robinson, Communications Coordinator with the Canadian Red Cross* The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our Sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. COLOMBIA: The intense rains that have affected Colo...

The special role Red Cross nurses play

** Guest blog by Katie Kallio, Information and Reporting Delegate in Haiti. Katie is part of the team working in the new Canadian Red Cross field hospital. It’s 10:30 at night, and as I lay in my tent I can hear some of my colleagues doing rounds ...

Winter safety tips brought to you by “Disaster Dudette”

Snow. It can be so much fun. You can toboggan, ski, build snow people... the list is endless really. However, when a lot of snow falls at once, the white stuff can go from being fun to not so much fun. Last week, some areas around London had over ...

Red Cross provides warmth to families left out in the cold

It is something that no one would ever wish for: losing your home, and all your personal items and memories to a house fire. Within moments, the life you have known literally becoming smoke and ashes. This personal tragedy is even tougher this tim...

Photo Tuesday: Getting in the holiday spirit

Every Tuesday, we try to bring you a photo from the community. This week's comes from Christa Kock, Branch President of Sarnia Lambton. The branch recently participated in the Christmas Parade. In the upper left corner is John DeVeer and his decorati...

"Super Team" opens Cholera Treatment Centre in Haiti

** Guest blog by Katie Kallio, Information and Reporting Delegate in Haiti. Katie is part of the team working in the new Canadian Red Cross field hospital. [slideshow] Setting up an 80 bed field hospital takes time - however, with the number of...

When hypothermia can be a good thing

** Guest blog by Don Marentette, Red Cross Canada’s national manager of first aid programs. Don is currently in California attending the Emergency Cardiovascular Care Update conference. We asked him to share some updates on the conference on this blo...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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