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Shelters for "Deaf Camp" in Haiti: blog from the field

* Guest blog by Louise Taylor, Delegate for the Canadian Red Cross in Haiti A week before the anniversary of the earthquake that devastated Haiti, the Red Cross fulfilled its promise to provide shelter those left homeless on January 12th to some v...

In one moment – you made a difference

When the earthquake struck Haiti on January 12 of last year – the lives of millions of people in Haiti were forever changed. The news of the devastating quake spread quickly across Canada and in only a few hours Canadians generously opened the...

What it means to work for the Red Cross: special post from Haiti

*Guest blog by Jean-Louis Lukenson, Community Mobilization Officer for the Canadian Red Cross, Léogane, Haiti It seems like everything can be divided into ‘before the earthquake’ and ‘after the earthquake.’ Before the earthquake, I had been wor...

Event: York Region branch’s first official youth art show

If you’re in the area, head downto the Canadian Red Cross York Region’s Youth Art Show tonight. It’s an art show and silent auction all-in-one. Art created by participants of Red Cross Humanitarian Issues Workshops in York Region will be display...

The Red Cross Round-up

*Written by Katie Robinson , communications coordinator with the Canadian Red Cross * The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our Sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.PAKISTAN: For the past four months, the Pakistan Red C...

Start 2011 off right: Volunteer!

Only a few days into the New Year, and many of us are trying to make good on our New Year’s resolutions. If you haven’t thought of any resolutions for this year yet, might I suggest volunteering? If you are already a volunteer, thank you so much f...

Reflections from Haiti, blog by John Saunders

Ontario Director of Disaster Management, John Saunders (@CRCSaunders), has been in Haiti working with a team deployed with the first ever field Canadian Red Cross field hospital. On this, my last night working at the Canadian Red Cross Cholera Treatm...

Fighting cholera in Haiti: Blog by John Saunders

Our Disaster Dude, Ontario Director of Disaster Management, John Saunders (@CRCSaunders), has been in Haiti working with a team deployed with the first ever field Canadian Red Cross field hospital.  John has been there for four weeks and will soon be...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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