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Smart packing tips for March break

Not sure how March break came around so fast this year. It was just February and the polar vortex aka “Canadian Winter” engulfed most of the country. Yet here it is finally – the time of year I look most forward to – when I escape the grey of Canada and go south with my family. 
To help me focus on packing I had to make a list so I didn’t forget anything. There’s the easy stuff – shorts, swimsuits, t-shirts, sunscreen. But how many pairs of flip flops is too many?

3 tips to help kids overcome the fear of water

As warmer weather approaches, we start to think about pools, beaches, and open water. Although swimming can provide hours of endless fun, it can also be feared. Follow these three simple tips to help your children enjoy the water. 

Syrian refugees starting new life in Turkey

Sara came to Turkey two years ago, fleeing conflict in her hometown. “Many of us saw very bad things happening,” she said. “We are adults but there are many children needing psychological support as they experienced a lot of trauma. They need to be able to express what they feel.”

Syrian refugees surviving winter with community support

Zeytan and her family came to Turkey less than year ago, after her father went missing.

“We don’t know where he is,” Zeytan’s mother said. “We waited as much as we could but it was not safe there anymore. I was pregnant and with a little baby. We crossed the border running, with nothing, just what we could carry.”

A behind-the-scenes look at Canadian Ebola fighters

We’ve introduced you to many Red Cross Ebola fighters over the past year. Whether they’re medical professionals, technicians or administrators, these Red Cross aid workers have all played a part in helping people in West Africa recover from the outbreak and stop the spread of the virus.

Round-up: Red Cross supports communities in Madagascar and Central African Republic

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

Syrian Crisis: Families seeking shelter in Iraq

As a result of the Syrian conflict, there are currently 82,000 Syrians refugees living in Erbil, Iraq, according to Iraqi Red Crescent figures. Refugees are scattered all around the city but it’s not hard to find them. They are living in garages, unfinished buildings, and informal settlements and shelters. A few lucky families have found a room to rent.

Celebrating new life for International Women’s Day

As we mark International Women’s Day, we want to share the moving story of Mama, a mother from Mali, where we are working to improve the lives and overall health of both women and children.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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