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Round-up: Updates from the United States, Italy and Myanmar

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. Here is an update on Red Cross response to flooding in the United States, and earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar.

In photos: Newcomers take part in PEI water safety preparedness picnic

Approximately 90 newcomers including Syrian refugees attended the Canadian Red Cross Water Safety Preparedness Picnic last weekend in Stratford, Prince Edward Island. With barbecued food, good company, fun games as well as information on water safety, it was a great day for all who took part in the event held at Pondside Park. Check out these great photos from the day!

Using sports to celebrate diversity in Fort McMurray

UNA-Canada’s Sport-in-a-Box program was developed in 2005 with the intention of using sport to combat discrimination and racism. Since then, the program has spread to communities across Canada, including Fort McMurray in February 2016. However, plans to expand Sport-in-a-Box to other youth-serving organizations in Fort McMurray were put on hold after the program lost its materials, and resources on the ground, to the wildfires in May.

A day in the life of a humanitarian aid worker

Today is World Humanitarian Day and to celebrate we're sharing a day in the life of a Red Cross humanitarian aid worker.

These photos offer a glimpse into a day in the life of IFRC aid worker Jamie LeSueur, a Canadian who is working in Zimbabwe in response to the food crisis. 

Celebrating Red Cross humanitarians on World Humanitarian Day

August 19 is World Humanitarian Day, and we’re celebrating the work of Canadian Red Cross humanitarians. Whether responding to emergencies, helping to rebuild following disasters, or assisting in strengthening communities around the world – these people work tirelessly! Medical practitioners, engineers, electricians, social workers and more support humanitarian efforts. Here are just a few of the blog posts from the last year that look at the work of Canadian Red Cross humanitarians.

The response to Zika: One Canadian Red Crosser’s experience

It’s that time again: the summer Olympics are here! Known for bringing both triumph and tears for athletes around the world, the location of the 2016 Games is also raising concerns about the Zika. While the World Health Organization (WHO) has said the Rio Olympics will not alter the international spread of Zika, efforts to limit the virus’s effects across the region remain as important as ever.

Psychosocial support: Building resilience after trauma

The Canadian Red Cross is known for providing emergency medical care after international disasters. What tends to be less known are the other kinds of support the Red Cross provides to those who may not be physically injured, but still require assistance. 

Why have an emergency kit? One Fort McMurray resident's story

When the time came to evacuate his Abasand home due to the wildfire, Dan Edwards had only a few moments to grab the essentials - luckily, he was prepared with his emergency kit for a moment just like this. 

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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