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Photo of the Day: A village of volunteers

Pictured above, volunteers of the Kibenga unit of the Burundi Red Cross have just finished digging a rough road. They plan to travel this road with their tools and embark on a project to clear land with the intentions of building a food store. As a p...

Tech Talk: Using online mapping tools to improve emergency response

There are many possibilities provided by online mapping tools in advancing emergency response. An online map can allow community members to upload geo-tagged information to alert other community members or emergency officials to a problem or situat...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. BANGLADESH: More than 1 million people have been affected by the floods that followed torrential monsoon rains in late June. They have lost...

Tech Talk: How the mayor of Iqaluit uses social media to dispel rumours

In an emergency, rumours and misinformation can make the difference between an informed public and a panicked one. Madeleine Redfern, the mayor of Iqaluit, uses social media to ensure her community has the correct information they need in emergency...

Tech Talk: Canadian survey on social media in emergencies

The Canadian Red Cross commissioned Ipsos Reid to conduct a survey to find out what Canadians think about social media use in emergencies. We’re eager to share the results, as it’s the first survey of its kind in Canada and it can help us better unde...

A Little Friday Fun: Animal First Aid

A few funny animal CPR photos to end your work week: We hope everyone has a great long weekend!

Photo of the Day: Another year of Pakistan floods

As a result of monsoon rains, many parts of Pakistan have been affected by floods. This is the third consecutive year that Pakistan has endured these floods. More than 375 people have lost their lives as a result and around 4.4 million have been dire...

Tech Talk: Social media takes on bullying

The Internet isn’t always a friendly place. We’ve all heard about or seen cases of bullying through social media, but recently we’ve also witnessed some great examples of people using social media networks for good, to stand up against bullying. Y...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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