Volunteers (Page 55)

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about our network of volunteers at home and abroad

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Welcoming our new President of Red Cross, Council of Ontario

Congratulations to Diane Girard! As of Sunday, June 6, Diane will step into her new role as President of Red Cross Council of Ontario. For more than 40 years, Diane, of Windsor, has given dedicated and committed service to the Red Cross as chair o...

9,000 pounds of pennies for Haiti

During the annual general meeting of Red Cross senior volunteers, one of our volunteers shared a story about fundraising for Haiti. Turns out two schools in Sarnia did a penny drive during the emergency. The result? 9,000 pounds of pennies. Yes...

Order of Red Cross to Kai Tao

[gallery] A Red Cross volunteer since 1991, Kai Tao recently received the Order of the Red Cross. Kai was recognized for his efforts in establishing a relationship between the Chinese Canadian community and The Canadian Red Cross Society for the C...

Toronto volunteer receives highest recognition from Red Cross

Last week you may have read about Audrey in the Toronto Star. We wanted to share with you news that she has received her award.  When Audrey Wilson was a young girl her parents taught her an important lesson.    "They taught me that if y...

Red Cross volunteer featured in the Toronto Star

Good news today! Check out the Toronto Star  and you'll see a story about one of our own, Audrey Wilson. She's been a Red Cross volunteer for 54 years and on Thursday she will receive the Order of the Red Cross. It’s the highest honour given without ...

Red Cross Toronto Region wins award for being green and healthy

Using environmentally friendly products and working up a sweat at a weekly yoga class helped Red Cross Toronto Region staff and volunteers make themselves and their environment healthier this past year. So much so that Toronto Region recently won ...

Meeting some of the Red Cross faces in Northern Ontario

On May 1, the Canadian Red Cross Northern Ontario AGM took place in Sudbury. An area of 802,378.67 km2 , with many communities in very remote areas, this area has a set of challenges very different from the rest of the province. The Red Cross has ...

Red Cross youth making a difference

Guest blog by Arnav Agarwal, Canadian Red Cross youth volunteer Naomi Distelkamp, a Canadian Red Cross youth volunteer from Niagara Region, has a clear message for all youth: “When you put your mind to something, the possibilities really are end...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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