Emergency (Page 46)

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about emergencies and disasters at home and abroad

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3 ways to help after a disaster

We've all seen or experienced disasters; there seems to be more and more of them every year. In those situations, I'm always wondering what I can do to help. Whether you are near the disaster or far from the actual damage, here are three ways you can make a difference:

Canadian Humanitarians: Odette Cyr spends her second life helping others

Surmounting many challenges to achieve her dreams, Red Crosser Odette Cyr has spent the latter part of her life helping others in times of crisis.

A humanitarian hero from a young age: Chiran Livera

To celebrate World Humanitarian Day on August 19th, Red Cross Talks is featuring a few Canadian Red Cross delegates who have dedicated themselves to helping others in humanitarian relief efforts around the world and here at home.

Canadian Humanitarians: JP Taschereau travels the world to provide emergency response aid

To celebrate World Humanitarian Day on August 19th, Red Cross Talks is featuring a few Canadian Red Cross delegates who have dedicated themselves to helping others in humanitarian relief efforts around the world and here at home. Today, meet JP Taschereau who travels the world coordinating emergency responses where aid is needed.

Quick thinking saves a life and leads to a Rescuer Award

The quick thinking and heroism Jared Nieboer displayed on a crisp Saturday morning in October was recently recognized by the Canadian Red Cross.  The Alberta man was presented with a Red Cross Rescuer Award last month for the actions he took to save a man from a car accident.

FCL partnership helps with flood responses in Manitoba and Saskatchewan

With thanks to the support provided by Federated Co-operatives Limited (FCL), trained Red Cross volunteers responded immediately to the flooding in Saskatchewan and Manitoba with prepositioned goods such as cots, blankets, clean-up and hygiene kits.  Red Cross has already provided thousands of clean-up kits and hygiene kits to communities in both provinces.  Red Cross outreach teams are continuing to meet with families impacted by the flooding to determine what additional help will be needed as they begin to recover in the weeks and months ahead.

Red Cross opens flood recovery centres in Saskatchewan

Thousands of people in Saskatchewan are starting to clean up after the floods, and the Canadian Red Cross is helping, focusing on providing help not available through other programs or insurance.

One Year Later in Lac-Mégantic: Audrey's story

In the year since the tragic train derailment impacted the community of Lac-Mégantic, the Red Cross has been working within the community to help rebuild and recover. Many people were affected in this disaster, including Audrey Dubois who experienced a personal loss but found solace through her work for the Red Cross in Lac-Mégantic. Here is her story:

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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