Emergency (Page 43)

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about emergencies and disasters at home and abroad

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A day at the Canadian Red Cross field hospital in Nepal

On a misty, pre-monsoon morning at the Canadian Red Cross field hospital, a colourful line-up is forming of elderly Nepalese women in traditional embroideries and heavy brass earrings, crying children, and a few proud, wiry men.

Nepalese children find fun and safety at Canadian Red Cross play space

Tucked in her mother’s lap, two-year-old Sandya Tamang watches other children build blocks, count wooden beads, and tussle over stuffed toys.
It’s Sandya’s first day at the play space created by the Canadian Red Cross for children affected by the Nepal earthquakes.

Helping to save lives of mothers and babies in Nepal

Shortly before her first child was due, Diki Dolma trekked for days across mountain trails devastated by the Nepal earthquakes to reach the Canadian Red Cross field hospital in Dhunche.

Providing support amidst aftershocks in Nepal

It's funny how the body instinctively becomes attuned to aftershocks.  When I first arrived in Nepal, I wasn't sure what to expect and it was only after experiencing a few that I began to recognize the telltale signs of a tremor.  It could be external factors, like dogs barking crazily for no reason, or the birds suddenly going silent. Or it could be the sensation of a subtle rocking motion causing one to lock eyes with someone nearby to confirm that the ground is, in fact, moving.  

Canadian aid worker describes delivering aid after Nepal earthquakes

Fortunately, the roads reopened within a week of the earthquake and we were able to begin transporting supplies by truck.  The team moved quickly to set up camp, assist the local medical staff with their workload and begin mobile clinics on foot to reach otherwise inaccessible communities around Dhunche.

Canadian Red Cross supports Nepalese children who have suffered through two earthquakes

A group of very lively Nepalese children are sitting inside a Canadian Red Cross tent. They are, as always, smiling and seemingly peaceful though it is hard to see into the minds of such young people who have just lived through two earthquakes. Some have lost part of their house, or lost contact with members of their family, or maybe lost a friend.

Video: Red Crosser films rockslide as new earthquake strikes Nepal

A powerful 7.3 earthquake shook Nepal less than a month after a previous earthquake resulted in thousands of lives lost and significant damage in the country. There are reports of new damage resulting from this earthquake.

Photos: Canadian aid workers providing medical care in remote community in Nepal

Dhunche is a remote village located high in the Himalayan mountains of Nepal, several hours away from Kathmandu. This is where a team of Canadian aid workers have set up tents and medical equipment, part of the Canadian Red Cross mobile field hospital, where they can provide medical care.

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