Emergency Preparedness (Page 12)

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross to learn more about emergency and disaster preparedness

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What happens to women and girls during disasters?

Every year, earthquakes, fires, hurricanes, typhoons, drought, floods, and even volcanic eruptions can impact hundreds of thousands of people. In any disaster, no matter where in the world, it is important to remember that some people are going to be more vulnerable than others. And when a disaster hits, these vulnerabilities can lead to additional heartache and tragedy for those affected.
That’s why it’s important to consider these vulnerabilities before a disaster or emergency strikes. 

The extremes of winter driving: tips and resources for safe driving this season

When you love driving but hate driving winter conditions, here are some tips and resources to help you be better prepared for safe driving this season.

Before the storm hit: Strengthening disaster preparation and response in Nicaragua

Learn how through the support of a Canadian Red Cross initiative, the Nicaraguan Red Cross' disaster preparedness and response system had been strengthened, allowing them to be ready when Hurricane Nate hit earlier this year. 

Before Irma: How Red Cross training helps prepare for disasters

Long before Hurricane Irma hit Haiti and the Dominican Republic, Red Cross volunteers from these countries were trained and ready to help with a variety of new skills, systems, and equipment, thanks to a Canadian Red Cross project called CERA (Capacity Building for Emergency Response in the Americas).

Safety tips for when you're living alone for the first time

So, you’re out on your own. Living on your own for the first time is exciting – and can also be a little intimidating. While we can’t help with roommates who use up all the paper towels and never replace them, or upstairs neighbours who practice their tap dancing at all hours, we can offer a bit of advice for how to help make your new home safer. 

When you can't phone home: what to do when phones are down

Someone holding a phone

Many of us consider our phones our connection to the rest of the world and with phones featuring smart functions and apps, they often feel like our lives are contained in this device. But what do you do if phone lines go down?

Someone holding a phone

Are you ready for summer thunderstorms?

I have always loved summer thunderstorms, even when the house shakes after a violent thunderclap. But when you live in the woods, power outages caused by violent thunderstorms are quite common. 

Tips for new homeowners

Moving homes is always a daunting task with many details to remember, organize or update. Whether you’re moving into a new house or renting an apartment, the task of packing and moving is challenging enough, so make it easier with these tips.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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