Red Cross Talks (Page 206)

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Happy World Red Cross Day!

[slideshow] On a day-to-day basis, volunteers are responding to emergencies or working quietly around the globe, engaging communities in the very spirit of togetherness.  Volunteers are often themselves the victims of the very same crises they are...

Learning to expect the unexpected...

*Guest blog by Alison Frehlich, communications advisor with the Canadian Red Cross. The first step in emergency preparedness, according to the Canadian Red Cross, is to “know your risks”. Seems like a simple enough task. In fact, I always thought I...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.JAPAN: One of the main actions taken by the Japanese Red Cross Society has been the setting up of 12 water tanks for hand washing, in line with...

Manitoba under water

*Guest blog by Alison Frehlich, communications advisor with the Canadian Red Cross. Alison is currently in Manitoba and is sharing stories and updates on flood relief efforts by the Red Cross * They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but whe...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world. PAKISTAN: Following the 2010 super floods, more than 150 families found refuge in a camp set up by the Pakistan Red Crescent Society, with ...

Photo Tuesday: From Liberia

 Every Tuesday, we publish a photo to show Red Cross at work across the province or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know! The Canadian Red Cross has been working with the Liberian Red Cross on a net distribution campaign...

World Malaria Day - April 25

*Guest blog by Chris Hilton, Canadian Red Cross Today is World Malaria Day, an opportunity to highlight the amazing progress that has been made toward the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals, which include the target to reduce preventable...

The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.PARAGUAY: According to the Paraguayan Ministry of Health, at least 25 people have died and 200 are severely ill as a result of a dengue fever o...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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