The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS: Since April, the Pacific nation of the Republic of the Marshall Islands in Micronesia has been20130611-marshall-islands-main-1 suffering from a severe drought that has seen up to 6,400 people surviving on less than a litre of water per person per day. In May, a three-person team of water and sanitation specialists from the New Zealand Red Cross was deployed to the Marshall Islands to provide emergency humanitarian assistance. When the team returned to New Zealand, they left behind a machine capable of making 1,440 litres of fresh water a day.

PALESTINE: The Qatar Red Crescent Society, in collaboration with the Palestinian Red Crescent, is launching 27 new projects that will provide services for the disabled and target higher education development in the Gaza Strip.  These projects will contribute significantly to alleviating the suffering of vulnerable Gazans, and helping to rehabilitate people with disabilities – one of the most marginalized groups in society – through the provision of high-quality services that will help their social and economic integration.

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