Thank you volunteers, Red Cross express gratitude

Topics: Saskatchewan
April 16, 2023

This past year, we in Saskatchewan have seen continued growth in our work and the way we connect to the people and communities in this province.  

As we continue to navigate through a changing landscape, you, our volunteers, keep reaching goals and setting new milestones for our organization.

Our volunteers are from all walks of life, and we are so grateful for everything that you have given to the Canadian Red Cross in Saskatchewan!  You come from different cultures, religions, geographies and age groups, and that diversity is what makes you so incredible.  

What unites you, and subsequently the Canadian Red Cross, is the tremendous personal sacrifice you are willing to make to support your community. Your leadership is the foundation of the work we do day in and day out.

Whether it’s during response season, evacuating a community, or spending time on the phone with an older adult who just needs someone to talk to, helping with administrative support or fundraising and events, YOU have shaped and changed the lives of others here in the province. 

Thank you for all you do for the Canadian Red Cross and for the people of Saskatchewan!

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