Erin Wilson awarded the Order of Red Cross

Topics: Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan | November 29, 2022

Erin has trained hundreds of WSITs in her role of MIT.  As a course facilitator, she is responsible for presenting information and evaluating skill development in the candidates. Involved in the Development of the new Instructor Development Program, responsibilities included:

Working with the Swimming & Water Safety Program team to schedule and conduct a minimum of two WSIT Courses per year in a mutually agreed upon location in any province or territory. 

Facilitate the WSIT candidates’ understanding of their role as a representative of the CRC and a mentor for course participants. Ensuring WSIT candidates can identify the location of and use all resources available to support program content and delivery. Participate in the creation of new resources to support training WSIT candidates. Liaise with the MIT: Recert Conductor and MIT: Water Safety Expert teams regarding support for WSIT candidates and WSITs. Act as a mentor and resource for WSITs working with WSIT candidates and assisting candidates to complete their post-course requirements. 

Be a positive role model for all WSITs by acting in accordance with the Red Cross’ seven Fundamental Principles. Provide educational and technical support to the Instructor Development Program Curriculum Revision team including review of all materials and programs developed by CRC. Conduct skills assessment workshops for candidates applying to participate in the WSIT Course.

Local newspaper,, published a story on Erin’s award. You can read the full story here.

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