Alberta Wildfires 2016 Current Partners

The Red Cross knows that community groups play a critical role in providing services to assist people and the entire community recover from disaster. That’s why we work alongside community groups to strengthen local initiatives and services, and ensure our efforts are not duplicated.

Support to community groups ensures the needs of the community are reflected in relief and recovery activities. All current partnerships (and the services provided) have been identified as needs by the community of Fort McMurray and other areas, like Edmonton, that have or continue to provide support to residents while evacuated.

View our One Year report here which outlines our current partnerships to date. 

Click here for an infographic about how we help individuals and families through the Community Partnership Program.  

Below is a list of our community partners to date: 

The above list will continue to be updated as new applications are received, accepted and formalized by the Red Cross.

  1. Fuse Social – provided financial assistance for volunteer management services in Fort McMurray
  2. Save the Children Canada – provided financial assistance for the creation and management of child and youth-friendly spaces in Edmonton for those evacuated from the Wood Buffalo region
  3. Alberta Foodbanks Network Association – provided financial assistance for emergency relief to those affected by the wildfires through the provision of food to several food banks across Alberta where evacuees were located
  4. Goldeye Foundation Centre – provided financial assistance for emergency feeding and sheltering to evacuees
  5. Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo – provided financial assistance for a re-entry BBQ for individuals and families returning home from June 1 to 8, 2016
  6. Mikisew Cree First Nation – provided financial assistance for a graduation ceremony for students who finished their year in Edmonton as well as a round dance as part of the celebration of returning to home
  7. Willow Lake Tiny Tots Society – provided financial assistance for a welcome back BBQ for daycare students and families
  8. Salvation Army of Fort McMurray – provided financial assistance to a local homeless shelter
  9. Regional Recreation Corporation of Wood Buffalo – provided financial assistance to enable hosting the Baseball Canada Cup 2016 in Fort McMurray
  10. YMCA of Northern Alberta (in Fort McMurray) – provided financial assistance for summer camps, access to facilities through free memberships to youth & children, family support programs to help those affected by the fire
  11. CMHA - Alberta North East Region – provided financial assistance to host several community-led and community-based events centred on overall mental wellness and coping strategies
  12. Norwood Child & Family Services and partners – provided financial assistance for emergency relief and care for evacuated children and families while in Edmonton
  13. Edmonton Emergency Relief Services Society - provided financial assistance for emergency food and other relief supplies to evacuees
  14. Nistawoyou Association Friendship Centre – provided financial assistance for National Aboriginal Day celebration in Fort McMurray
  15. MS Society of Canada – provided financial assistance for an accessible community BBQ
  16. Métis Urban Housing Corporation – provided financial assistance to support emergency accommodation for evacuees
  17. Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northern Alberta – provided financial assistance to support emergency accommodation for evacuees with children with special needs
  18. Golden Years Society - provided financial assistance for a weekly seniors drop-in program to share common experiences as a result of the wildfires
  19. Fort McMurray First Nation 468 – provided financial assistance to the Healing Gathering for the Land and Water
  20. SOS for Crisis Prevention  - provided financial assistance to rebuild their volunteer team that runs the 24/7 Crisis Line
  21. Northern Alberta Athletics Association – provided financial assistance for a First Responders Appreciation Weekend, in conjunction with the Oil Barons opening weekend
  22. United Nations Association in Canada- provided financial assistance for the UN’s Sport-in-a-Box program in Fort McMurray
  23. McMurray Métis MNA Local 1935 – provided financial assistance for the annual Métis Festival in Fort McMurray
  24. Fort McMurray Tourism – provided financial assistance for an annual BBQ at the Oil Sands Discovery Centre
  25. SOS for Crisis Prevention - Provided financial assistance to support their children’s summer camp with extended hours and timeframe
  26. McMurray Métis MNA Local 1935 – provided financial assistance for their Summer Student program
  27. Alberta Teacher's Association - Local 48 - provided teachers with financial assistance at the start of the school year to begin rebuilding their stock of school supplies lost in the fires
  28. Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo - provided financial assistance through the purchase of food items distributed to local residents
  29. Rehoboth Alliance - provided financial support for a one-day community celebration offering food, children's activities and guest speakers for fire-impacted members of the community
  30. Layla Isaac Foundation - provided financial support for free, inclusive play activities for children to engage with peers outside of school hours in a safe space
  31. Big Brothers Big Sisters Wood Buffalo – provided financial assistance to support the annual Duck Race and re-entry community event
  32. Borealis Counselling - provided financial assistance for a facilitated group process to mitigate stressors and increase coping by facilitating social cohesion and reducing isolation
  33. Fort McMurray Minor Hockey Association (Frank Lacroix arena) – provided financial assistance to support a re-entry luncheon at the arena for residents of the Beacon Hill neighbourhood
  34. BrainSTEM Alliance - provided financial assistance to support youth in Fort McMurray to collaborate and build resiliency through science, technology, engineering and math programming
  35. Fort City Church – provided financial assistance to support a summer camp for approximately 120 children and youth with extended hours to provide flexibility as families get ready to go back to school
  36. Wood Buffalo Food Bank Association - provided financial assistance to support the Emergency Relief Hamper program
  37. St. Aidan's Society - provided financial assistance to support an opportunity for social connectedness through multiple partner agencies and education/awareness sessions for organizations
  38. Stephen's Backpacks - provided financial assistance for the provision of backpacks and back to school supplies for students in Wood Buffalo returning to school
  39. Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta - provided financial assistance for psychosocial support and mental health in French
  40. Fort McMurray Catholic School District  - provided financial assistance for the provision of holiday hampers for families and affected community members in need
  41. United Way of Calgary and Area - provided financial assistance to invest resources in programs and community building activities through targeted investment decisions in and around Calgary
  42. United Way of the Alberta Capital Region - provided financial assistance to invest resources in programs and community building activities through targeted investment decisions in and around the Alberta Capital Region
  43. Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta - Provided financial assistance to determine and respond to the ongoing medical and mental health needs of the Francophone community in Fort McMurray, as well as to support additional psychosocial and mental health programming in French
  44. Legacy Counselling Centre – provided financial assistance to fund an additional counsellor to support increased need for counselling services and workshops in Fort McMurray
  45. Fort City Church - provided financial assistance to provide families with bus tours around the city to view holiday lights, accompanied by holiday music, food and beverages
  46. Educare - provided financial assistance to ensure continued access to programming for children, through the replacement of materials not covered by insurance, and costs for cleaning up as required by Alberta Health Services
  47. Family Christian Centre - provided financial assistance for a Christmas event to bring families and community together through music, entertainment and food from a variety of cultural backgrounds
  48. Fort McMurray Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - provided financial assistance for emergency relief services and materials provided to evacuees during evacuation and re-entry to the community
  49. Keyano College - provided financial assistance towards the annual Arts & Humanities Conference with the theme "Coming Through Fire: Rebuilding, Reconciling, Rethinking"
  50. Girls Inc. - provided financial assistance to deliver the Staying Strong Program, to increase resilience and coping skills of girls ages of 8-14 in Fort McMurray
  51. Vista Ridge WildPlay Wood Buffalo - provided financial assistance to ensure access to affordable family friendly recreational activities, by supporting costs related to opening facilities throughout the late summer
  52. Psychologists Association of Alberta - provided financial assistance to support increased demand for psychological services for those impacted by the Wildfires across Alberta
  53. Youth With A Mission – provided financial assistance for free weekly community gathering space where low-income families in Fort McMurray can access meals, homework help, child and youth programming and resource referrals.
  54. Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo – provided financial assistance for a range of recovery activities including: support for annual resiliency activities and public artwork; support for residents in the most impacted neighbourhoods including playground restoration; support for risk reduction through the FireSmart program; recovery programming for youth in the RMWB; psychosocial workshops and education.
  55. Squadron Sponsoring Committee of the 868 RCACS – Provided financial assistance to support skills development programming for youth including preparedness for emergency situations.
  56. Canadian Vision Care – Provided financial assistance for coordination of increased  access to emergency eye care services and eyeglass supplies to evacuees.
  57. Wood Buffalo Food Bank Association – Provided financial assistance for a social profit appreciation event to recognize contributions to community recovery efforts.
  58. CAREERS: The Next Generation Foundation -  Provided financial assistance to support community recovery by expanding career exploration programming to include industries with increased workforce demands as a result of the 2016 wildfires.
  59. St. Aidan’s Society – Provided financial assistance to support children of fire-affected families to access summer camps in Wood Buffalo.
  60. King’s Kids Promotions Outreach Ministries Inc – Provided financial assistance to support recovery from wildfires through radio programs targeted at youth, seniors and newcomers. 
  61. Centre d’accueil et d’établissement du Nord de l’Alberta - Provided financial assistance to support a French summer camp for children and youth.
  62. KidSport Canada (Wood Buffalo office) – Provided financial assistance to support children and youth to access organised sports and recreation in Wood Buffalo.
  63. Borealis Counselling (Fort McMurray Assessment and Referral Centre) – Provided financial assistance for additional counselling staff and to provide free Wellness Workshops for the community.
  64. Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta North East Region – Provided financial assistance to support increased capacity for the Pets and Wellness (PAWs for People) program.
  65. Clearwater Horse Club – Provided financial assistance for the rebuilding horse barns damaged in the fires, allowing horses to return to the community.
  66. Aboriginal Congress of Alberta Association – Provided financial assistance for a recovery celebration in Fort McMurray
  67. Nigerian Canadian Association of Fort McMurray – Provided financial assistance for an event focused on personal and community recovery and wellbeing
  68. Borealis Counselling (Fort McMurray Assessment and Referral Centre) – Provided financial assistance for an art therapy event to promote personal wellbeing on the anniversary of the fires
  69. Nistawoyou Association Friendship Centre – Provided financial assistance for a Traditional Feast and Round Dance celebration to support community recovery
  70. Wood Buffalo Woman and Baby Care Association – Provided financial assistance to support community consultation, education and preparedness for infant and young child feeding in emergencies.
  71. Alberta Somali Community Centre – Provided retroactive financial support for the provision of support services to evacuees from Fort McMurray while in Edmonton
  72. Athabasca Tribal Council – Provided financial assistance for a staff healing retreat focused on traditional approaches to recovery
  73. Athabasca Good Samaritan Ministries Association - Provided financial assistance for additional storage for the food bank.
  74. Centre of Hope Non-Profit Society of Fort McMurray – Provided financial assistance for the Connect Access Refer Engage initiative (CARE Wood Buffalo), to reduce barriers to support services in Wood Buffalo
  75. Fort McMurray Public School District No. 2833– Provided financial assistance for the coordination of mental health supports for students and staff across four school districts
  76. Fort McMurray First Nation 468 – Provided retroactive financial assistance to support outreach and food distribution during early recovery
  77. Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta Division – Provided financial assistance to support a Family Peer Support Network for parents and caregivers of children and youth experiencing mental health concerns
  78. Keepers of the Athabasca Watershed – Provided financial assistance for the 2017 Healing Gathering for the Land and Water to support community recovery 
  79. Anzac Recreation and Social Society – Provided financial assistance for the Restore, Regrowth, Resilience community tree planting event 
  80. Big Brothers Big Sisters Wood Buffalo – Provided financial assistance for a mentoring program supporting Indigenous students in four school districts 
  81. Waypoints Community Services Association – Provided financial assistance for outreach and trauma counselling in rural areas of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo 
  82. King’s Kids Promotions Outreach Ministries Incorporated – Provided financial assistance for music and arts programming that engages youth to build their resiliency and share their creativity 
  83. Nistawoyou Association Friendship Centre – provided financial assistance for the National Indigenous Day celebration 2017 
  84. Fort McMurray Métis Local Council 1935 – Provided financial assistance for a Disaster Recovery Strategist position, to ensure recovery needs of Métis communities are met in recovery and reflected in planning for future disasters 
  85. Fort McMurray Métis Local Council 1935 - Provided financial assistance for a landscape and building development plan for building back better from the fires 
  86. Métis Nation of Alberta Local Council 780, Willow Lake – Provided retroactive financial support for assistance provided to community members during the evacuation period 
  87. Boreal Artist Institute – Provided financial assistance to promote recovery and resilience in children and youth through traditional Indigenous knowledge and arts creation 
  88. Canadian Mental Health Association North East Region (CMHA 1994) – Provided financial support for community engagement and capacity building to support those at risk of suicide 
  89. Athabasca Tribal Council – Provided financial assistance to increase access to culturally appropriate psychosocial supports for members of the 5 First Nations represented by Athabasca Tribal Council 
  90. Fort McMurray Catholic School District – Provided financial assistance for the provision of holiday hampers for families and affected community members in need
The above list will continue to be updated as new applications are received, accepted and formalized by the Red Cross.