First Aid (Page 5)

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about First Aid and CPR

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Welcome to Canadian winter: preparing newcomers for their first winter

A man wearing a winter coat and hat stands in a snowy forest

For all of its beauty, Canada’s winters can be harsh, long, and full of unexpected or hidden dangers. Luckily, with some practical cold climate planning and winter safety knowledge, new Canadians can arrive ready for real life winter situations.

A man wearing a winter coat and hat stands in a snowy forest

6 common kitchen mistakes that start fires

A woman panicking at a kitchen stove where a pot is on fire.

Many of us have found ourselves baking and cooking more. With all this increased kitchen action, there’s also bound to be accidents. Kitchen fires are the leading cause of home fires in Canada. Take a look at some common habits that may lead to a kitchen fire.

A woman panicking at a kitchen stove where a pot is on fire.

Transit trio apply critical first aid skills to save a life

A pair of arms shown with hand on chest and AED hooked up to mannequin

Everyday transit enforcement officers patrol bus hubs in the City of Mississauga with the goal to keep everyone safe. One day, in early January, Michal and two of his colleagues relied their first aid training to save a man’s life.

A pair of arms shown with hand on chest and AED hooked up to mannequin

Adapted first aid training: an inclusive Red Cross experience  

Three people kneeling around a mannequin

When my first aid certification expired during the pandemic, I knew it was time to renew. Typically, I’d be keen to refresh my skills and knowledge – after all, being able to help in an emergency is a valuable skill to have. Still, I hesitated. Unlike the last time I’d certified, I now live with reduced mobility and was feeling less confident about training this time around. 

Three people kneeling around a mannequin

10 things parents with kids back in school CAN control

Close up on three lockers coloured black, orange and grey

In a world where a pandemic has prevailed for more than a year, it can be overwhelming to think of children in school and how to best protect them – and ourselves – against COVID-19.
We may not be able to control certain things but we can control what to do to make things easier on us and our families during this stressful time.

Close up on three lockers coloured black, orange and grey

Tips for an injury-free fall clean-up

A green garden rake picking up tree leaves on the ground

As winter quickly approaches, many people are hurrying to get their yard work done before the cold weather sets in. Whether you’re raking leaves, closing your pool, or climbing up a ladder to clean the gutters, dangers can be involved. Remember to put your safety first!

A green garden rake picking up tree leaves on the ground

What to do if an adult is choking

A woman is giving back blows to a man that is choking

Now that some COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted in your area, you might be thinking about indulging yourself with delicious dinner at your favourite restaurant. But would you know how to react if your dining companions’ airway became blocked?

A woman is giving back blows to a man that is choking

Tribal Council in Saskatchewan trains local first responders

Two men standing outside a building by a kit full of supplies to help in emergency response

First responders have advanced first aid training which allows them to stabilize a patient until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. In rural and remote communities where EMS can be hours away, having local first responders on the scene can mean the difference between life and death.

Two men standing outside a building by a kit full of supplies to help in emergency response

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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